In late 2017 I arrived in Bend, Oregon to start a media internship at Compass Bend Church. While there, I oversaw the graphic design needs of the church, but also took over our social media, website, app, connect card platform, and much more. It was an amazing learning experience as I got to see the inner workings of how a church functions, and how much work goes into what seem like simple tasks.
Below are just a few highlights from my time at Compass, including some of the many slides I put together, a peek at how we ran our social media, and a look at one of the funnest projects I worked on while at Compass.

Sunday Mornings
My primary responsibility at Compass was to handle all media needs during our weekly services. This meant setting up our recording equipment, preparing any slides or visual aids that were requested for that week, making sure all lights were cued up at appropriate times, and then later making sure the service recording gets edited and uploaded on-time.

Social Media
Our rules for social media once I left Compass was pretty straightforward: make sure we post at least once a day, and always space out your posts. Every Monday myself and the Creative Arts pastor would sit down and map out our posting schedule for the following week, if not the next 2-3 weeks, so we always had a roadmap of what graphics we needed to produce.
This helped immensely when we started promoting larger events like Financial Peace or our Adventure Days summer camp, as it gave me ample amounts of time to prep unique graphics for each platform, and even build custom videos like the one linked above!